Bartender Serving Fruit

A man walks into a bar and orders a rum and coke. The bartender walks to the back and after a few minutes hands the man an apple.

The man looks at it for a moment confused and takes a bite. “Wow! This tastes just like coke! But what about the rum?”

“Turn it around” the bartender says, and sure enough it tastes like rum!

“That’s amazing!” Says the man, “Can I have a gin and tonic?”

The bartender nods his head and again walks to the back. After a few minutes he hands the man another apple, and just like before one side tastes like gin and the other like tonic water.

“This is crazy!” Says the man, “can you make apples taste like anything?”

The bartender nods his head, “Pretty much.”

“Well, can I have an apple that tastes like pussy?”

The bartender walks to the back and in no time hands the man another apple.

The man takes a big bite with excitement, but quickly spits it out all over the bar.

“This tastes like shit!” Yells the man.

The bartender looks at the man for a second and says, “Turn it around.”


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