3 brothers own a cow

3 brothers own a cow, which suddenly dies. The cow being almost a part of their family and a major income source for the family, the 3 brothers become very heartbroken and decide to commit suicide in the river. So they approach the river and are almost about to jump in when a fairy comes out of the river.

Fairy: “If anyone of you is able to satisfy me sexually, I’ll bring the cow back from the dead.”

Brother 1 takes her into the jungle and comes back with her after 1 hour. The fairy says she’s not impressed.

Brother 2 takes her into the jungle and comes back with her after 3 hours. The fairy says she’s still not impressed.

Now brother 3 takes her into the jungle and comes back with her the next day after almost 24 hours.

The fairy clearly exhausted and almost dead, says to the other 2 brothers, “I’m giving your cow back. Your brother is just insane. I haven’t seen such raw sexual stamina before.”

“Well”, one of the brother replies, “How do you think the cow died?”


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