Bravest Soldier

3 army generals bet who has the bravest soldiers. The first general calls one of his men and commands him: “You see that tall flag pole? Climb to the top of it and jump down.”
The soldier is hesitant at first, but then begins to climb the pole. When he reaches the top, he jumps… but breaks a leg.

The other two generals salute the man for his bravery. The second general calls a soldier and tells him: “See that flag pole? Climb it and do a front-flip onto the ground. The man climbs the pole and performs a flip, as the general wished. Unfortunately, upon impact, the soldier tragically breaks his spine.
The generals, again, salute the soldier for his bravery. And finally, it’s the third generals turn. He calls a soldier and commands: “Soldier! Take this backpack full of bricks, climb that flag pole and perform a double back-flip onto the ground.”

The soldier laughs and replies:

“Haha, boss. Fuck you and your commands!”

The general proudly crosses his arms and exclaims:

“Guys, THIS is what I call bravery!”


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