A woman wakes up in the middle of the night to find her husband is not in bed. She puts on her dressing gown and leaves the bedroom.
He sits at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee – deep in thought… just staring at the wall. She can see a tear slipping from his eyes and he takes a long sip of his coffee. “What’s wrong, darling? Why are you sitting in the kitchen at this hour?” she asks him.
“Do you remember when we had our first date 20 years ago? You were only 16!” he asks her.
“But yes!” she replies.
“Do you remember when your dad caught us making love in the backseat of my car?”
“Yes, I remember it well, I’ll never forget it.”
“Do you also remember when he held his gun in my face and said, ‘Either you marry my daughter or you go to prison for the next 20 years!?’
“Oh yeah!” she says.
He wipes another tear from his cheek and says, “You know… today I would have been released from prison” and breaks into a deep sob.
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