
Two friends are walking in the square when they noticed a poker buddy of theirs sitting on a bench, waving at them.

“Hey Dugly, I am having a terrible headache. It’s ruining my day.” says the acquaintance. “Do you have any medicine with you?”

Dugly opens his fanny pack, takes out a pill, and hands it to him. “Here, take this and get some rest. Don’t worry. You’ll get better.”

The two friends say goodbye to him, and continue walking. Until a lady, their neighbor, appears in their path. She is sitting on the floor.

“I’m glad you’re the one coming,” says the neighbor. “Tripped, I think I hurt my foot. Do you have anything that will help?”

Dugly opens his fanny pack, takes out a pill, and hands it to her. “Here, take this and get some rest. Don’t worry. You’ll get better.”

They help the lady get to a bank, say goodbye, and continue walking. After another stretch, they meet another acquaintance of theirs. Walking a dog that’s is barking non-stop.

“Dugly, I can’t believe it’s you,” says the guy, pointing at the dog. “He’s very nervous today. Do you have anything for it?”

Dugly opens his fanny pack, takes out a pill, and hands it to him. “Here, give him this and let him rest for a while. Don’t worry. He’ll get better.”

They chat for a while with him, pet the dog, then leave.

Further ahead, there is a guy selling hot dogs.

He sees the pair coming, and as they pass him, he says, “Dugly, what a blessing to see you here. Do you happen to have anything for diarrhea with you?”

Dugly shakes his head. He and his friend buy two hot dogs, and go back to walking.

“Dugly, tell me something.”, asks his friend. “How come you have medicine for everything, but not for diarrhea?”

And he replies, “For everything? My friend… All I have are tranquilizers.”

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