Fart Football

An elderly married couple had just settled into bed when the old man let out a loud fart and declared, “Seven points!”

His wife, confused, rolled over and asked, “What was that all about?”

The old man grinned and replied, “It’s fart football.”

Not wanting to be left out, a few minutes later the wife let one rip and proudly announced, “Touchdown, tie game!”

After a short pause, the old man fired off another and boasted, “Aha, 14 to 7! I’m winning.”
Determined to keep up, the wife let loose with another big one, saying, “Touchdown, tie game again.”

Then, with a little squeaker, she added, “Field goal! I’m in the lead, 17 to 14.”
Now feeling the pressure, the old man couldn’t stand the thought of losing. Determined not to be defeated, he pushed with all his might—but gave a little too much effort. To his horror, he accidentally pooped in the bed.

His wife, shocked, asked, “What on earth just happened?”

The old man sighed and said, “Half time—time to switch sides.”


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