A man wanting to start a new life accepts a job in a remote village with no women.
Once there, he asks a local,
“Are there really no women here?”
“So… what do you guys do when you need to have sex?”
“There is a donkey close to the river for that.”
The man is disgusted and goes home, where he can see the river and the donkey from his window. After months in that village, the donkey starts looking a little more attractive. One day, when a few other men ask him if he’d like to accompany them to the river, he accepts. Once there he furiously starts doing the deed and gets looks of shocked silence. Finally a guy yells,
“Hey dude wtf are you doing!?”
“Aren’t we…doing the donkey thing?”
“We’re going to ride the donkey across the river so we can get to the other village where we can meet women.”
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