invites fetish club over

A man invites some of his fetish club over for breakfast….

They are catching up on life and swapping stories about work, their grandkids’ birthdays, their recent stock market fortunes, and so on, when the subject of what they’re most proud of comes up.

Gerald, a 35 year old dentist, proudly exclaims, “Of everyone here, I by far, have the largest penis.”

No one argued with Gerald as everyone at the table had seen (or felt) his penis and it was massive. It didn’t matter what room he was in. He probably had the largest penis in it.

Craig, a 26 year old DJ, casually said, “Well I have massive fists.”

Everyone nodded silently. Craig’s fists were well known and had been in many orifices. He has been known to turn the smallest babbling brook into a vast canyon.

Agnes, a 91 year old retired welder, proudly said, “Well I have the nicest vagina in the room.”

Again, no one argued with Agnes. For one, she was the only woman in the room. And for two, despite being 91, she was in good shape and took care of herself to include vagina exercises.

Tim, a 21 year old nurse, and the host of the gathering, smirked and exclaimed, “Well I have the biggest asshole here!”

Immediately the group started to murmur amongst itself. They had all been sticking things up their butt for many years (especially Agnes) and there was no way the youngest of the group had the biggest asshole.

Craig immediately stepped up to the challenge. He had been working on a party trick for a while now and this seemed like the appropriate time to show it. He went to the fridge and found an 8” carrot. He then took his pants off, laid down on his stomach and flipped the carrot over his shoulder. It flew in a wide ark and immediately disappeared up his butt.

The group gave a golf clap. The showmanship was impressive but it didn’t answer the question at hand.

Gerald decided it was his time to shine. He went to the pantry and found a potato. He then placed the potato on the counter, took his pants off and sat on the potato. Just to show he didn’t damage the potato he took it out and showed the group. It looked exactly like it had before it had gone in (maybe a little browner).

The group was slightly more impressed by this. Butt stuff was Gerald’s thing though, so it was expected he’d have something to offer.

Now it was time for Agnes to show all these young amateurs what was up. She went into the garage and found a 2 foot long, 2 inch thick wooden dowel. She lifted up her dress and balanced on top of the dowel. She then took a deep breathe and dropped to the floor. When she stood back up the dowel was gone.

This was truly impressive, but to be fair, this is a \*largest\* asshole contest, not a \*longest\* asshole contest.

Still smirking, Tim walked into the kitchen and turned on his espresso machine. He steamed the milk and whipped it. He poured in the espresso and added a swirl of caramel and just a touch of cinnamon. He put a doily on a saucer and plated his drink. He casually walked over to the table and placed his drink onto it.

Just as he did a giant fat tabby cat came barreling into the room, sliding around on the floor, and slamming into walls as he turned corners. He jump onto the table and immediately swatted the drink off. The cup and saucer shattered and there was liquid everywhere. The cat then peed on the table and tried to scratch Tim.

Agnes, Gerald, and Craig immediately realized the misunderstanding that has happened. An embarrassing quiet fell over the room.

Gerald finally broke the silence, “So your cat is the biggest asshole.” Then he thinks for a second and goes, “Does he hate all coffee or just the fancy stuff?”

Tim looks a little confused and says, “It’s just the fancy stuff. But the cat’s not the biggest asshole. The coffee is just how I get him into the room.”

Tim then shoves the cat up his ass.


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Thought they met before

A man and a woman meet in a bar and the man cannot shake the sense that they have met before. She assures him them haven’t. They start tracing through their histories and she’s right, they went to different schools, churches, and had a different group of friends.

Then it occurs to him. They haven’t met, but he knew her voice very well. He worked at the local factory and every day he called the local bank for their time and temperature service so he could blow the lunch whistle precisely at noon.

“I’ve got it!” he announces. “You work at the bank! You’re the time and temperature voice!” She smiles and admits that is her recorded voice. “I’ve always wondered, how do you know exactly what time it is?”
“Easy,” she replies. “Every day at noon, the factory blows it whistle.”


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Casino dealers

Two bored male casino dealers are waiting at the craps table. A very attractive blond woman arrives and bets $20,000 on a single roll of the dice

She says, “I hope you don’t mind, but I feel much luckier when I’m completely nude.” With that, she strips down, rolls the dice, and yells, “Come on, baby, Mama needs new clothes!” As the dice come to a stop she jumps up and down and squeals, “YES! YES! I WON, I WON!”

She hugs each of the dealers, picks up her winnings and her clothes, and quickly departs. The dealers stare at each other dumbfounded. Finally, one of them asks, “What did she roll?” The other answers, “I don’t know—I thought you were watching.”

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Three girlfriends

A man has three girlfriends but doesn’t know which one to marry. So as a test, he gives each of them $5,000 to see how they spend them.

The first girlfriend gives herself a complete makeover. She got a new hairstyle, new makeup, and a whole new wardrobe. When asked why she did this, she said “I wanted to make myself beautiful for you because I love you so much.”

The second girlfriend bought him a bunch of gifts, including a new set of golf clubs, an iPad and an 80-inch flatscreen TV. When asked why she did this, she said “I bought these gifts for you because I love you so much.”

The third girlfriend took the money and invested it in the stock market. She doubled her investment, gave the $5k back to him and re-invested the rest. When asked why, she said “I’m investing this money for our future together because I love you so much.”

The man thought long and hard about how each girlfriend spent the money, and after careful consideration, he married the one with the biggest tits.


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